An audio test source

While it turns out writing meaningful elements using GStreamer through pygobject was badly broken since 2014, and it had never been possible to expose properties on said elements anyway, these minor details shouldn't stop us from leveraging some of the unique and awesome packages at the disposal of the python developer from GStreamer, and that's what we'll do in this series of posts.

Many thanks to the maintainer of pygobject, Christoph Reiter, for his reactiveness!


Writing GStreamer elements in python is usually a terrible idea:

  • Python is slow, actual data processing should be avoided at all cost, and instead delegated to C libraries such as numpy, which is exactly what we'll do in this part.

  • The infamous GIL enforces serialization, which means python elements will not be able to take advantage of the multithreading capabilities of modern platforms.

The only valid reasons for ignoring these restrictions are, to the best of my knowledge:

  • Python is the only language you know how to use.

  • You want to use a python package that has no equivalent elsewhere, for example for scientific computing.

  • Python rocks, and you don't intend to do anything CPU-intensive anyway.

  • All of the above.

The obvious recommendation these days, if you do not want to deal with low-level concerns such as data races and memory safety, is Rust. More information can be found here and in this series of posts from Sebastian Dröge.

Update: Sebastian has published a post about the rust implementation of an audio test source too!

Some code right off the bat

import gi

gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
gi.require_version('GstBase', '1.0')
gi.require_version('GstAudio', '1.0')

from gi.repository import Gst, GLib, GObject, GstBase, GstAudio
import numpy as np

OCAPS = Gst.Caps.from_string (
        'audio/x-raw, format=F32LE, layout=interleaved, rate=44100, channels=2')



class AudioTestSrc(GstBase.BaseSrc):
    __gstmetadata__ = ('CustomSrc','Src', \
                      'Custom test src element', 'Mathieu Duponchelle')

    __gproperties__ = {
        "freq": (int,
                 "Frequency of test signal",
        "volume": (float,
                   "Volume of test signal",
        "mute": (bool,
                 "Mute the test signal",
        "is-live": (bool,
                 "Is live",
                 "Whether to act as a live source",

    __gsttemplates__ ="src",

    def __init__(self):
        GstBase.BaseSrc.__init__(self) = GstAudio.AudioInfo()

        self.freq = DEFAULT_FREQ
        self.volume = DEFAULT_VOLUME
        self.mute = DEFAULT_MUTE


    def do_set_caps(self, caps):
        self.set_blocksize( * SAMPLESPERBUFFER)
        return True

    def do_get_property(self, prop):
        if == 'freq':
            return self.freq
        elif == 'volume':
            return self.volume
        elif == 'mute':
            return self.mute
        elif == 'is-live':
            return self.is_live
            raise AttributeError('unknown property %s' %

    def do_set_property(self, prop, value):
        if == 'freq':
            self.freq = value
        elif == 'volume':
            self.volume = value
        elif == 'mute':
            self.mute = value
        elif == 'is-live':
            raise AttributeError('unknown property %s' %

    def do_start (self):
        self.next_sample = 0
        self.next_byte = 0
        self.next_time = 0
        self.accumulator = 0
        self.generate_samples_per_buffer = SAMPLESPERBUFFER

        return True

    def do_gst_base_src_query(self, query):
        if query.type == Gst.QueryType.LATENCY:
            latency = Gst.util_uint64_scale_int(self.generate_samples_per_buffer,
            is_live = self.is_live
            query.set_latency(is_live, latency, Gst.CLOCK_TIME_NONE)
            res = True
            res = GstBase.BaseSrc.do_query(self, query)
        return res

    def do_get_times(self, buf):
        end = 0
        start = 0
        if self.is_live:
            ts = buf.pts
            if ts != Gst.CLOCK_TIME_NONE:
                duration = buf.duration
                if duration != Gst.CLOCK_TIME_NONE:
                    end = ts + duration
                start = ts
            start = Gst.CLOCK_TIME_NONE
            end = Gst.CLOCK_TIME_NONE

        return start, end

    def do_create(self, offset, length):
        if length == -1:
            samples = SAMPLESPERBUFFER
            samples = int(length /

        self.generate_samples_per_buffer = samples

        bytes_ = samples *

        next_sample = self.next_sample + samples
        next_byte = self.next_byte + bytes_
        next_time = Gst.util_uint64_scale_int(next_sample, Gst.SECOND,

        if not self.mute:
            r = np.repeat(
                    np.arange(self.accumulator, self.accumulator + samples),
            data = ((np.sin(2 * np.pi * r * self.freq / * self.volume)
            data = [0] * bytes_

        buf = Gst.Buffer.new_wrapped(bytes(data))

        buf.offset = self.next_sample
        buf.offset_end = next_sample
        buf.pts = self.next_time
        buf.duration = next_time - self.next_time

        self.next_time = next_time
        self.next_sample = next_sample
        self.next_byte = next_byte
        self.accumulator += samples
        self.accumulator %= / self.freq

        return (Gst.FlowReturn.OK, buf)

__gstelementfactory__ = ("audiotestsrc_py", Gst.Rank.NONE, AudioTestSrc)


To make that element available, assuming gst-python is installed, the code above needs to be placed in a python directory, anywhere gstreamer will look for plugins (eg GST_PLUGIN_PATH):

$ ls python/
$ GST_PLUGIN_PATH=$GST_PLUGIN_PATH:$PWD gst-inspect-1.0 audiotestsrc_py
Factory Details:
  Rank                     none (0)
  Long-name                CustomSrc

At the moment of writing, the master branches from both pygobject and gstreamer need to be installed.

Let's study some of the interesting parts now.


from gi.repository import Gst, GLib, GObject, GstBase, GstAudio
import numpy as np

Nothing unfamiliar here, assuming you've already done some pygobject programming, note that unlike an application that would usually initialize GStreamer here with a call to Gst.init(), we don't need to do that.

We will use numpy to generate samples in a reasonably efficient manner, more on that below.


Using gst-python, we implement new elements as python classes, which we need to register with GStreamer. The python plugin loader implemented by gst-python will import our module, and look for an attribute with the well-known name __gstelementfactory__.

The value of this attribute should be a tuple consisting of a factory-name, a rank, and the class that implements the element.

If the module needs to register multiple elements, it can do so by assigning a tuple of such tuples instead.

__gstelementfactory__ = ("audiotestsrc_py", Gst.Rank.NONE, AudioTestSrc)

The class that we register is expected to hold a __gstmetadata__ class attribute:

class AudioTestSrc(GstBase.BaseSrc):
    __gstmetadata__ = ('CustomSrc','Src', \
                      'Custom test src element', 'Mathieu Duponchelle')

The contents of this tuple will be used to call gst_element_class_set_metadata, you'll find more information in its documentation


class AudioTestSrc(GstBase.BaseSrc):
    # [...]
    def __init__ (self):

Our element will be a GStreamer source: it will not have any sink pads, and will output data on a single source pad.

There is a base class in GStreamer for that type of elements, GstBase.BaseSrc. It handles state changes, supports live sources, push and pull-mode scheduling, and more.

Inheritance is standard, the subclass needs to chain up in its __init__ function if it implements it.

Overriding virtual methods can be done by prefixing the name of the virtual method as declared in C with do_, more on that later.


The __init__ method should obviously only be called once over the lifetime of the element.

This means we only need to initialize here those variables that will not need to be reinitialized when the element switches states. We only declare and (re)initialize other variables in the do_start virtual method implementation.

Note that linters might complain when attributes are declared outside of the __init__ function, as we do in the do_start virtual method, if you wish to strictly comply you will want to declare them in __init__ as well, we didn't do so here for the sake of brevity.

As our base class declares a start vmethod, we implement it by defining a do_start method in our class.

Capabilities, negotiation

In this example, we implement an element that will only output a single format:

OCAPS = Gst.Caps.from_string (
        'audio/x-raw, format=F32LE, layout=interleaved, rate=44100, channels=2')

# [...]

class AudioTestSrc(GstBase.BaseSrc):
    # [...]

    __gsttemplates__ ="src",

__gsttemplates__ is another well-known name that the python plugin loader will look up, it matches the arguments to gst_pad_template_new; here we declare that we will expose a single source pad named "src" that will output data in the format specified by OCAPS: 2 channels of interleaved float samples, at a rate of 44100 audio frames (so 88200 samples) a second.

As that format is fixed, we won't have to concern ourselves with negotiation in that element, this will be automatically handled by our parent classes.

    def do_set_caps(self, caps):
        self.set_blocksize ( * SAMPLESPERBUFFER)
        return True

We technically could have done this directly in __init__, as we already know what the result of the negotiation will be, however if in the future we decided to make things more dynamic, for example by supporting multiple sample formats, the audio info would need to be initialized at the end of the negotiation process, as we do here.

The next blog post in this series will present an element implementing dynamic negotiation, a good exercise for the reader could be to port this element to support a range of supported output channels, or a second sample format, eg 32-bit integers.


We chose to generate samples in our do_create implementation for no particular reason, the default implementation would call do_alloc then do_fill, we should only have to implement the latter if we wished to use that approach, as we have called GstBase.BaseSrc.set_blocksize in our set_caps implementation.

I will not discuss the implementation details here, we generate an array of float samples forming a sine wave using numpy, and keep track of where the waveform was at in the accumulator attribute, this is all pretty simple stuff.

We could of course generate the samples in a for loop, but performance would be abysmal.

The interesting part here is that GstBaseSrc expects us to return a tuple made of (Gst.FlowReturn.OK, output_buffer) if everything went well, otherwise typically (Gst.FlowReturn.ERROR, None) if there was an issue generating the data.

It is the responsability of the create vmethod implementation to .. create the output buffer, which is just what we do with Gst.Buffer.new_wrapped (bytes(data)).


It is possible with pygobject to declare GObject properties with a decorator, however if one wants to specify minimum, maximum or default values, or provide some documentation, to be for example presented in the gst-inspect output, one needs to use a more verbose form:

class AudioTestSrc(GstBase.BaseSrc):
    # [...]
    __gproperties__ = {
        "freq": (int,
                 "Frequency of test signal",
        # [...]

    # [...]

    def do_get_property(self, prop):
        if == 'freq':
            return self.freq

    def do_set_property(self, prop, value):
        if == 'freq':
            self.freq = value

Some interesting improvements here could be to declare the freq property as controllable, or expose a property allowing to change the shape of the waveform (sine, square, triangle, ...)


Three things are needed to output data in "live" mode:

  • Calling GstBase.BaseSrc.set_live(True)

  • Reporting the latency by handling the LATENCY query, which is what we do in do_gst_base_src_query. The attentive reader might have noticed that even though the GstBaseSrc virtual method is named query, we didn't implement it as do_query: that is because GstElement also exposes a virtual method with the same name, and we have to lift the ambiguity. Try implementing do_query and see what happens.

  • Implementing get_times to let the base class know when it should actually push the buffer out.

Our element does all three things, and exposes a property named is-live to control that behaviour, you can verify it as follows:

GST_PLUGIN_PATH=$GST_PLUGIN_PATH:$PWD gst-launch-1.0 -v audiotestsrc_py ! \
fakesink silent=false

as opposed to:

GST_PLUGIN_PATH=$GST_PLUGIN_PATH:$PWD gst-launch-1.0 -v audiotestsrc_py is-live=true ! \
fakesink silent=false

In this context, we are not really producing data live, but simply simulating by having the base class wait


We have implemented a simplified version of audiotestsrc here, the reader can update the code to support more features and familiarize themselves with the GstBaseSrc API, or alternatively try to implement a video test src.

In the next post, we will present a GstBaseTransform implementation, that accepts audio as an input and outputs a plot generated with matplotlib. There will be dynamic negotiation, decoupling of the input and output, and more interesting things.

The results of the search are